News Archive

Track and Field Preseason Conditioning Underway

Posted on: February 9, 2017

Optional track and field conditioning is underway as we approach the official start of the season.  This is not mandatory, but recommended to get legs ready to take the pounding of our track workouts. 

Important Information:

  • Optional Track Conditioning for all Athletes: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:15 pm.  We meet at the track and run for about a half hour and then at 4:00 weights with Coach French (Ignition Training) until 5:00 pm.  All are welcome.
  • Distance runners should contact Coach Ackerman about the Polar Bear Club and the links to the log for your winter mileage.
  • Quarter 3 is halfway done, Eligibility for Track will be determined by your third quarter grades.  Make sure you are getting it done in the classroom.
  • Follow us on Twitter!  @TrackFieldMHS
  • Make sure you have all appropriate paperwork and signatures in by March 6th.  (EMA, Physical, Final Forms)  If you are not sure how to do any of these please see Coach Bart or Mrs. Gaible in the Athletic Office for direction.

If you have any other questions please let us know.  Athletes, you can see Coach Bart in D-10, Coach Ackerman in D-14, Coach Fagan in N-21 or Coach Jordan in the NGC.



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