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MHS Winter Sports Update

Posted on: November 13, 2020

Milford High School will remain in a remote learning style until Monday, November 30th. Here is what this means for MHS Athletics:

1) In-Season Sports (Swimming/Dive, Basketball, Wrestling, Bowling, Cheer/Dance, & AQT) can return to practices/normal schedules beginning Saturday November 14th. All winter sports scrimmages and games/events will proceed as scheduled at this time.

2) Out-of-Season Sports will continue to be paused until further notice and we will reevaluate before November 30th. Our hope is by this date we can have off-season programs return in a more structured, smaller group/pod format. More details to come as we get closer.

3) Workouts/Strength Training/Conditioning during this remote learning period (now until Nov. 30th) will only be permissible for in-season winter sports teams. There should be no activities on-site or off-site for out-of-season teams. I strongly encourage coaches/teams to set up some team learning/bonding opportunities and performance/strength/conditioning training virtually during this time. Proforce will still be working to provide you and your programs with the services you need whether we are in-person or remote.

4) All fall sports award ceremonies or other non in-season events will need to be cancelled or run virtually. At this time, we need to do whatever we have to get kids/teachers back to the classroom and give our winter sports athletes a season. Unfortunately this means conducting these events in a different format this year. We are encourage coaches be creative and find innovative ways to recognize our kids/teams.

If you have any other further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our main goal at this time is to get our winter sports teams back up and running and ensure that these student-athletes get a season. During this remote learning time, we ask all of our student-athletes to make smart/safe decisions so we can get back school and our full slate of extracurricular activities. We hope to see all of our Eagles back on campus soon!

Stay well & keep those Wings Up!

Aaron Zupka, Athletic Director

Girls Wrestle 2
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